Wabtec 469 Series Spin-On Air Dryer
Wabtec 469 Series Spin-On Air Dryer
Wabtec 469 Series Spin-On Air Dryer
Wabtec 469 Series Spin-On Air Dryer
Wabtec 469 Series Spin-On Air Dryer
Wabtec 469 Series Spin-On Air Dryer

State-of-the-Art Compressed Air Filtering & Drying Assembly

This drying system is a combination of some of the most advanced adsorption technology to date. The 469-200 Air Dryer offers spin-on desiccant cartridges for ease of maintenance. Designed by Wabtec's engineering team, with input from our customers, this drying system will provide most rail transit industry applications with compressed air that is free of oil, dirt contamination and moisture.

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