Wabtec Metroflexx Brake Control System
Wabtec Metroflexx Brake Control System

Integrated brake control for mass transit applications

Metroflexx is an integrated brake control system that features a service brake, emergency brake, wheel slide protection, communication with TCMS, advanced diagnostic function including Condition Based Maintenance.

Key Benefits:

  • Unique versatility: one single part for multiple brake configurations (control per car / per bogie / per axle)
  • Very low weight thanks to advanced manufacturing process (additive)
  • Extended MTBO, up to 10 years
  • Very simple maintenance thanks to very simple design
  • Very short response time for reduced dwell time
  • A patented remote release ensures maximum train availability ‘no undue train immobilisation in the case of a single failure)
  • Very simple & cost efficient installation on train
  • Includes our latest adaptive wheel slide protection and brake compensation for shorter braking distance guaranteed in all adhesion conditions, and best wheel lat protection
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Wabtec Transit Rail

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